
Documentary Reflection

Please answer the following on your blog once the whole process is complete: In this documentary I worked on...... (List the jobs that you did, the roles you took on within your group and what you contributed.) The part I did best....... (Describe the highest level of achievement you attained in this assignment.) What I'd change next time.... (Explain what steps you would take in order to improve your achievement on similar tasks in the future.) I learned that..... (Explain what significant new learning has taken place for you.) What I want you to notice about my work..... (Describe the particular strengths in your work or areas where you feel you have exceeded your expectations or gone beyond your earlier achievements.) Final Comments Bibliography

Documentary Presentation Outline

Name of company Name of Documentary Point of View We must recognize that all documentaries are biased; but we will use the term "point of view" From what p-o-v is this documentary speaking?  What perspective is it offering on events and arguments? Are there multiple view points? Do they agree or contradict each other?   Can you think of some other perspectives that might be out there but not addressed in the documentary? What is the time of or emotion behind the(se) viewpoints? What conventions does the documentary incorporate?  Does it use voice over, re-enactments, archival footage, interviews, etc? How successful is it and why? Who are the dominant voices in the documentary?  Are they official sources such as experts? or are they people from the street? Are most of the voices men or women?  Are they of a particular ethnic group? What is their connection to the documentary's subject?  What kind of truths are they putting forward? Do the voic...

Documentary Outline

What makes a documentary? Events must be unstaged, independent of cinema, non-fiction stages to film Conventionally non-fiction; real world activities Assumes an objective record of real events by filmmakers; camera influences film event; techniques of camera and choices made in filming, like in the camera and lens choice, are subjective choices. All films have selection and editing. There is objectivity but all events are seen from some perspective. How do these selections manipulate and shape the event? Objective events views through some perspective. We have to learn something from this documentary. You have to show that you have done some research on your given topic. You may use SHORT clips from movies, TV shows, etc, or pictures to help illustrate this point. A documentary which demonstrates the proper use of the following film techniques: brainstorming and co-operative story and character development story boarding planning and scheduling a film shoot ...

Issues Reflection

Name: Partner(if applicable): Issue: What I was trying to get across to the class about my issue? Production Elements Organization -research, -presentation, -creative process Participation. Comments about co-operation, diligence, support. To what degree partners contributed to the overall work and success of the project?(if applicable) What aspects were most successful? Least? What I would do differently? Theory: How did we use a variety of medias to get our point across? Why did we choose what we did? What worked? What didn't? How did we explore the use of technology/media concepts in relation to our issue? Analysis: How much of our presentation was based on research? On opinion? (whose?) INCLUDE A LIST OF RESOURCES, CITATIONS Depth of content: To what degree did we introduce new ways of looking at this issue, new information? Was this class 'educated' or just 'entertained'? How well did our examples reinforce and illustrate our points? What new skill...

Issues Presentation

Length:  30 minutes (in partners) 20 minutes (individual) Include:  history/background of topic (context), views of critics, participants, professionals in the field (with proper citation), visual/sound/media examples with back-up/illustrate your thesis(point of view...bias) about this issue. Including class participation to heighten interest and involvement You may choose to work alone or with a partner. You want to work with someone who is interested in the same subject and who has complementary skills. Evaluation: Organization of material and presentation Creative approach to subject/opportunity for class involvement Participation of team members Use of multi media Exploration of the role of technology/media in topic Evidence, citations of research, bibliography Depth of content/conclusions Effectiveness of examples Self/peer evaluation Remember, there is no exam in this class so this should be taken as such. No show, without pro...

Viral Video

In groups of 1 - 4 you are to create a video that you are going to post on You Tube. This video has to; be, at least, one minute have a purpose, be it as simple as "To make people laugh" Create a typed proposal that you will hand in, on November 10th, that includes: Group Members Each members role within the group Topic, outline and objective of the video Once your topic has been approved, you must then hand in a package that includes: timeline storyboard music used ~ remember that if you are going to use pre-recorded music you MUST have permission and go through the proper channels You will have 2 weeks to work on this in class. Each class you will have to fill out the Producer's Daily Log, which can be found in the file folders by my office door. Rubric is at the front of the class. Now, in addition to your role in the video,(if applicable), you must each choose a role to play in the production company: 1.  Art Director-  responsible for th...

Social Media Debate Questions

Now remember the key to successfully debating an issue is coming up with strong evidence and ideas to support your side of the issue. Debate Questions: 1. Are Social Networks like Facebook real communities? Why/Why not? • Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side. • Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support your position. • Present a rebuttal against the other side. • Have a closing argument that explains how your examples proved your side 2. Are people who are on social networks entitled to privacy? Why/Why not? • Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side. • Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support your position. • Present a rebuttal against the other side. • Have a closing argument that explains how your examples proved your side 3. Do social networks encourage people to have good “interpersonal skills”? • Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side. • Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support...