Issues Presentation

Length: 30 minutes (in partners) 20 minutes (individual)

Include: history/background of topic (context), views of critics, participants, professionals in the field (with proper citation), visual/sound/media examples with back-up/illustrate your thesis(point of view...bias) about this issue.

Including class participation to heighten interest and involvement

You may choose to work alone or with a partner. You want to work with someone who is interested in the same subject and who has complementary skills.


Organization of material and presentation

Creative approach to subject/opportunity for class involvement

Participation of team members

Use of multi media

Exploration of the role of technology/media in topic

Evidence, citations of research, bibliography

Depth of content/conclusions

Effectiveness of examples

Self/peer evaluation

Remember, there is no exam in this class so this should be taken as such. No show, without proper documentation, (ie a Dr.'s note), is an automatic "0".


Keep in mind that these need to be focused. Yo need to develop a point of view, based on research and your own conclusions and select which examples and materials best illustrate yur views. All topics may stay within the guidelines of what is appropriate to a high school school audience.

Violence in the Popular Media (this requires a sophisticated and mature approach)
  • its history in film, TV, movies and/or advertising (war, crime, nature)
  • styles of violence in various media ~ why it works
  • who are the great `stylists` and interpreters in different culture?
  • cross-cultural influences in specific media, violent heroes, heroines in film, TV, comics, etc...
  • relationship to actual violence in society, influences on the culture, what kind of business it creates.

American and World Culture
  • how is America culture presented in the media and translated to other cultures?
  • what are its strengths? why is it perceived as a danger to some and a joy to others?
  • what does it look like? sound like?
  • how has American culture been influenced by other cultures over the years?
  • why has its image changed so dramatically in recent years?

The Changing Way we Communicate: The Emerging Power of New Media
  • an introduction and analysis of the rising influence of news weblogs such as the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, The Drudge Report, etc. on the information getting
  • looking a t interpersonal communication: My Space, personal websites, internet dating, etc.
  • the obsession with text-messaging, crack-berries, iPhones, etc.
  • web-based TV, YouTube, etc...encroaching on traditional media for entertainment

Villains in the Movies (often these represent a country's political opponents or internal subversive or subcultural elements)
  • how have these changed in North American culture over the years?
  • what are the common elements in the way they are presented in different media (pay attention to their 'look', behaviours)
  • what happened when the politics change? give historical examples
  • what is the effect on them in the multi-cultural media community and vice versa?

Presentation of wellness in the Media (many illnesses and afflictions become media 'property ' and the subject for media texts for various purposes)
  • how is the image of illness/health distorted/controlled to create concern without panic?
  • why do some diseases get extensive coverage and others get ignored?
  • what are some of the interesting 'conventions' that have evolved regarding this issue?
  • what are the effects of these media representations on the medical sector? on research? on the pharmaceutical industry? on government funding?
  • you can consider SARS, AIDS, diseases with or without telethons, walkathons, bangles, ribbons, galas, etc.., the plastic surgery boom, the diet industry, fitness craze....

Infotainment/Celebrity Obsession
  • with the increasing focus on entertainment rather than information...consider how this has changed our ideas of what is important in society
  • what pressure are there on the news/entertainment industries in various media to portray popular issues and use market research rather then artistic merit for programming?
  • what ate the consequences on society? politics? behaviour? fashion?
  • what is at the root of this 'tabloidization' of information?

Spectacle in the Media (Bread and Circuses)

TV award shows, athletic celebrations, rock concerts, Las Vegas shows(Cirque de Soleil, Celine Dion, Cavalia). Theme parks...the growing trend towards lavish, multimedia productions with very special effects
  • what is gained by this trend? what is lost? who profits? what can afford to go? what are the new standards of taste and excellence?
  • trace the development, describe/show examples, analyze from a cultural, artistic, political perspective
  • compare spectacle in different cultures

Media Awareness

Today's audience is very aware of how the media works thanks to 'behind the scenes' documentaries, DVD special features, and overall sophistication (weekend box office grosses, diets and plastic surgeries of stars, special effects trick, etc.)
  • how has this created a new form of entertainment? (the media on the media)
  • what are we so fascinated by this information?
  • what have been some of the more interesting manifestations of this trend?

Women in the Media (film, advertising, music, videos, gaming, etc.)

An examination of the evolution and changing role of women in front of the audience or behind the scenes of major media
  • how has the influx of women changed an industry?content?style?values?
  • what does the future hold for women in a particular medium?
  • who are some important individuals what have made significant contributions? changes?

Responsibility of the Media for the actions of the Individual

Through an examination of several pertinent events in the past decade, discuss your views on this controversial issue

Image of Smoking in the Media: From Glamour to Contempt

An examination of the changing image of tobacco in the movies and advertising in the last century.

How a particular individual exploits and its exploited by the media

A critical look at the media relationship between a celebrity and the media(Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Martha Stewart, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Beiber, etc.)
  • an analysis of the workings of image creating and management, public relations, damage control, spin doctoring and mutual exploitation in show business

Athletes: Tarnished Idols?

Do celebrity athletes have a responsibility to their young fans to set a good example?
  • examination of the influence idols have on kids,(effects of cheating, gambling, substance abuse, steroids, violence, material goods), and on impressionable fans.

Dumbing Down
How does popular culture cultivates a nation of idiots?
  • the recent celebration and elevation of the stupid, text and course language in our society and its effect on language, taste and behaviour

Gun Control
The image of weapons in the media and its effect on North American culture
  • from bow and arrow to assault rifles and light sabres...our fascination with weapons

Race in the Media
Complex topic. Can go many ways. Narrow it down to something manageable.

E.g. History of African Americans on TV, e.g. Cosby, before and after

How TV helped the Civil Rights Movement in the 60's

New minorities on TV: stars or side-kicks?

Stereotypes: reinforced or exploded? (little Mosque)

Powerful Leaders in the Media(e.g. Oprah, Suzuki, etc.) What have they accomplished?

The Role of Satire in the Media

The continued (increasing?) influence of satiric perspective on the culture
e.g. the rising popularity of Jon Stewart, Saturday Night Live, South Park, The Simpsons, Family guy, etc.
N.B.: You not only must have a sense of humour to take this on, you must actually 'get' the satirical references being made on may levels in order to examine their power. This is not just about gathering together a bunch of amusing clips and entertaining the class with what you consider funny! Satire is a very serious matter.

The Changing Way We Communicate


A topic you generate and develop with approval of the teacher


Name(s) _________________

Issues in the Media Presentation

·       Clear, effective introduction of theme and presentation objectives
  • Outlines format of presentation, presenters and roles
  • Engages audience

BL1  1L  1M  1H  2L  2M  2H  3L  3M  3H  4L  4M  4H  4CH
Content Analysis
·       In-depth analysis of all media components
  • History/background of topic (context), views of critics, participants, professionals in the field (with proper citation), visual/sound/media examples with back-up/illustrate your thesis (point of view...bias) about this issue.

BL1  1L  1M  1H  2L  2M  2H  3L  3M  3H  4L  4M  4H  4CH

·       Equal involvement and participation of all members of group
  • Effective transitions/links between individual segments of presentation
  • Presenters are prepared and presentation is well-paced
  • Presenters are clear, audible and use appropriate language

BL1  1L  1M  1H  2L  2M  2H  3L  3M  3H  4L  4M  4H  4CH

Overall Creativity/Interest Level
·       Effective use of strategies to engage and involve the audience
·       Presenters are energetic and use creativity to present the topic in an interesting manner

·       BL1  1L  1M  1H  2L  2M  2H  3L  3M  3H  4L  4M  4H  4CH

·       Clear, effective conclusion that summarizes presentation and discusses changes in attitudes towards theme
·       Conclusion is thought-provoking; leaves audience with something to think about

·       BL1  1L  1M  1H  2L  2M  2H  3L  3M  3H  4L  4M  4H  4CH


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