Documentary Presentation Outline

Name of company
Name of Documentary
Point of View

We must recognize that all documentaries are biased; but we will use the term "point of view"
  1. From what p-o-v is this documentary speaking?  What perspective is it offering on events and arguments?
  2. Are there multiple view points? Do they agree or contradict each other?  
  3. Can you think of some other perspectives that might be out there but not addressed in the documentary?
  4. What is the time of or emotion behind the(se) viewpoints?
  5. What conventions does the documentary incorporate?  Does it use voice over, re-enactments, archival footage, interviews, etc? How successful is it and why?
  6. Who are the dominant voices in the documentary?  Are they official sources such as experts? or are they people from the street?
  7. Are most of the voices men or women?  Are they of a particular ethnic group?
  8. What is their connection to the documentary's subject?  What kind of truths are they putting forward?
  9. Do the voices agree or contradict with one another?
  10. How is the documentary structured?  Does it follow chronological order?  Does it use a different order?
  11. What impact does the structure have on the unraveling of it's truths?
  12. What is the subject of this documentary?
  13. How is the subject of social relevance?
  14. Is the documentary maker present within the documentary either in person or voice?
  15. If present, does the maker call attention to their-self? Or does the maker's presence seem incidental?
  16. If applicable, what purpose does the maker's presence serve? Does the maker drive events, serve as another observer, or fulfill another function?
  17. Where was the documentary made?
  18. What were the technologies used in the documentary?  What were the possibilities and/or limitations?
  19. How do the technologies, origins and time period contribute to the documentary overall?


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