Social Media Debate Questions

Now remember the key to successfully debating an issue is coming up with strong evidence and ideas to support your side of the issue.

Debate Questions:

1. Are Social Networks like Facebook real communities? Why/Why not?
• Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side.
• Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support your position.
• Present a rebuttal against the other side.
• Have a closing argument that explains how your examples proved your side

2. Are people who are on social networks entitled to privacy? Why/Why not?
• Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side.
• Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support your position.
• Present a rebuttal against the other side.
• Have a closing argument that explains how your examples proved your side

3. Do social networks encourage people to have good “interpersonal skills”?
• Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side.
• Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support your position.
• Present a rebuttal against the other side.
• Have a closing argument that explains how your examples proved your side

4. Do social networks prevent us from creating meaningful “face to face” relationships?
• Please construct a Thesis/Position for your Team’s side.
• Present 2-4 pieces of supporting evidence to support your position.
• Present a rebuttal against the other side.
• Have a closing argument that explains how your examples proved your side.

Rules of the debate:
o Each side will have 5-7 minutes to speak.
o Only one side is allowed to talk at a time.
o After both sides speak the audience will ask questions.
o The audience will then be asked to pick a winner.




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