Hidden Gem

Make a 3-5 minute movie about a Hidden Gem of Toronto. "....- a tour of your hidden den or path least chosen, the magic of a chance encounter in the city or the story of an unexpected event or missed connection that still lingers in your mind today."

  • Must be between 3-5 minutes.
  • Any format(animation, documentary, stop-motion, etc.)
  • Must be PG-13...meaning NO F bombs
  • There MUST be some historical reference to it;be it architectural, musical/theatrical, etc.
  • you MUST check with Ms. Maxwell-Steele on your topic before starting your process.

Check out some exemplars on our YouTube channel.

Package Details:

*Artistic Statement

Provide an artistic statement explaining the context in which the film is about a "Hidden Gem of Toronto" For example: What made this "place" so compelling to you? Why did you want to tell this story? Does it showcase any aspect of the city in a new light? What can audiences take from this film?

*Cast and Crew List



Camera Operators:


Actors/On Screen talent:

Other crew:

*Daily Logs

*Storyboards/Shot List

And, as always, make sure you do the *Reflection on your blog

DUE DATE: Thursday, November 2nd

Here is the marking for this assignment:

Theory: The quality of your work for the Production booklet

Creation: The quality of your work for the Production Company and your final film

Analysis: The quality of your reflection and research in the Peer and Self evaluation


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


Tasks in Production Booklet are fulfilled and presented with limited detail and care

Tasks in Production Booklet are fulfilled and presented with some detail and care

Tasks in Production Booklet are fulfilled and presented with considerable detail and care

Tasks in Production Booklet are fulfilled and presented with a high degree of detail and care


Job in Production Company is executed with limited ability. The film shows limited creativity and attention to detail.

Job in Production Company is executed with some ability. The film shows some creativity and attention to detail.

Job in Production Company is executed with considerable ability. The film shows a considerable amount of creativity and attention to detail.

Job in Production Company is executed with a high degree of ability. The film shows an exceptional amount of creativity and attention to detail.


Self and Peer evaluation is filled out with limited detail, thought and discussion.

Self and Peer evaluation is filled out with some detail, thought and discussion.

Self and Peer evaluation is filled out with considerable amount of detail, thought and discussion.

Self and Peer evaluation is filled out with a high degree of detail, thought and discussion.


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