Advertising Assignment

In groups of up to 4 people, create an advertising campaign for a societal want/need.  I would like to see you build on something that you feel will make the product or service better. 
You may choose something that everyone does or uses everyday and create a paranoia about it, for example the Dixie cup ad I showed in class.

Must Haves:
  • your target audience
  • a clear need or want
  • the text and subtext of the product/service
  • a billboard ad
  • 30 sec. TV commercial
  • 30 sec. radio commercial
Due Date: October 5th

Each person in the group MUST have, at least, one role. Usually 2 and 3 are together; this just makes sense. You need to be clear of yours and other roles in your group. You will be marked individually for these roles. 

1. Art Director- responsible for the look of the Production Package, gathering its contents from each group member and consistency in theme and colour throughout.

2. Production Manager- responsible for organizing team's activities each day and consistent contact through email, Facebook, phone- giving reminders of daily tasks, costumes and props needed, making sure all equipment is ready and returned at the end of class, and keeping notes of this for the Production Package.

3. Administrator- responsible for writing/typing all daily logs, attendance, noting any discussion or difficulties and tasks completed each day.

4. Editor- responsible for piecing together the film (with the input of everyone in the group) and putting it on YouTube.

5. Sound and Credits Director- responsible for editing all sound, dialogue, and music added and edited into the film based on input from everyone in the group, as well as adding titles and credits for support from others and music borrowed.

6. Storyboard Artist – is responsible for including thumbnail sketches of each video scene and includes text for each segment of the presentation, descriptions of background audio for each scene and notes about proposed shots and dialogue.


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